Darpan ID : GJ/2017/0164560

Medical Care Centre Trust

Medical Care Centre Trust

Since 1986, United Way of Baroda extended its helping hand and has established a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit/Paediatric Care Unit at Medical Care Centre, Kashiben Govardhandas in the year 2006. Till date, more than 30000 Neonates have received progressive treatment.

The support of  Pediatric Gastro Intestinal Endoscope and Colonoscope machine is to diagnose and treat life-threatening gastrointestinal tract complications with minimally invasive techniques reducing morbidity and cost of hospitalization. In 2023-24, we donated a customized Mobile Blood Donation Van, equipped with two blood donor couches and collection monitors, a blood bank refrigerator, one blood bag tube sealer, one blood bag tube stripper, and storage for medical items.  Mobile Blood Donation Van would help MCCT to conduct blood donation camps seamlessly and efficiently whenever the need arises.